Cardiology Cares Takes it to Heart
When the Cardiology Department kicked off the Cardiology Cares program, they were all about putting patients in the driver’s seat of their health journey. By giving patients with heart disease the tools they needed and hand-in-hand support, they’ve witnessed some seriously amazing outcomes in patients’ health, happiness, and overall quality of life.
“This program has allowed us to assist so many lives and cut down on admissions related to heart failure or other cardiac issues. I am extremely grateful for the gifts that help our patients and make such a difference” said Danielle Slatton a cardiology nurse navigator and the Cardiology Cares program coordinator.
One patient helped by the Cardiology Cares program was in his 20’s when his life took an unexpected turn. A seemingly harmless virus had done something unimaginable: it left him with heart failure. This new reality meant multiple hospital visits, medications, and a fear that his life might never return to normal. Though the treatments were working, his care team needed frequent updates, and the hospital visits were draining and disruptive, a stark reminder of the limitations his illness now imposed. Everything changed when he received support through the Cardiology Cares program. He received the tools he needed to monitor his health from the comfort of his home. For the first time since his diagnosis, he felt like he had regained a sense of control. The changes were profound and slowly his confidence grew. After almost two years without a single emergency room visit, he felt the fear that had kept him close to home began to fade. He realized a lifelong dream, a trip abroad with friends. Cardiology Cares hadn’t just given him tools; they had given him back his life.
Successful medication management is a critical factor in quality of life for patients living with heart failure, and Cardiology Cares, a program made possible with donor support, is exactly what this patient needed to take control of his health.
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